Places in Northumberland

Seaton Sluice Harbour

Places of interest not too far from Mrs Seeley's house

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Other places

Segadunum Roman Fort:

Ad Gefrin Distillery:

Whitehouse Farm:

St James Park tours, you can do a roof top one too..

Wylam Brewery in exhibition park

The Ousburn industrial valley plus Victorian tunnel:

The Discovery museum – Free

Newcastle Quayside, Millenium bridge to the Glasshouse and the Baltic:

Long term stays available

Ideal for contractors working in the area

Special rates available email

Places to see nearby

There is so much to see in Northumberland, here is a small selection

Alnwick Castle

Walk through history and admire world-class art at this fascinating castle, then stroll through spectacular floral displays at The Alnwick Garden.


A long history of fishing makes the popular village of Seahouses both fascinating and beautiful. Experience local wildlife and gorgeous beaches.

Tynemouth Market

Amazing stalls, fantastic international street food, dog friendly, undercover, nice family atmosphere - A great day out!

Hadrians Wall

Follow in the footsteps of Romans and see the best parts of Hadrian’s Wall. Visit Steel Rigg and Housesteads Roman Fort for picture perfect countryside views.